Patna (Bihar) [India], Sept 24 (ANI): Bihar Chief Minister and JD (U) national president Nitish Kumar on Monday met party's Delhi president Dayanand Rai to chalk out a strategy for the Delhi Assembly elections, scheduled to be held next year."Nitish Kumar met the Dayanand Rai to talk about the Assembly elections in Delhi. The party will contest all the Assembly seats in Delhi in the upcoming Delhi Legislative Assembly," party spokesperson Satya Prakash Mishra said in an official statement.The national capital has a sizable population of Purvanchali voters, he said, adding that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government took their votes but did not do any work."The expansion of JD (U) outside Bihar proves that the people have accepted leader Nitish Kumar's vision and model of development," Mishra added. (ANI)
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