New Delhi [India], Feb 17 (ANI): The National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) on Monday banned javelin thrower Amit Dahiya for four years for evading sample collection and trying to cheat officials during 2nd National Javelin Throw Open Championship 2019 held at SAI Centre in Sonipat."During the course of the sports event, Amit was asked to submit the sample, but at the time of submitting the sample, another athlete pretended to be Amit," according to a press statement.NADA had issued the charge of notice to Dahiya on July 16 for violating rule 2.3 of the NADA Rules. The doping agency presented the case to the Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel (ADDP) on January 9 where the athlete's justification was found to be unsatisfactory."The ADDP has now passed an order to suspend him for four years from the date of his provisional suspension," NADA said. (ANI)
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