Noida (UP), Jul 30 (PTI) The Gautam Buddh Nagar administration on Tuesday said it is digging up 21 new ponds under the Jal Shakti Abhiyan, while the private sector is also chipping in with renovation work on scores of the 1,000 ponds present in the district.

Jal Shakti Abhiyan is a water conservation initiative recently announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi which is being adopted across the country, officials said.

Last week, District Magistrate Brajesh Narain Singh had circulated a list of 1,000 ponds, as per the Revenue records, which was sent to various departments for vetting. These departments were asked to share their plans under the Jal Shakti Abhiyan.

"Request was also made to the private sector to take up some (ponds) under CSR (corporate social responsibility). I am happy to inform that the district administration will take up digging of 21 new ponds," Singh said.

"HCL Technology has committed itself for renovation of 51 ponds, while UFlex has taken up work for nine. Many more private players are showing their interest for the campaign," he added.

The DM said these projects are besides what local authorities will take up and requested all those who want to contribute either as per legal requirement or voluntarily to pick up projects quickly, keeping the end date for the campaign in mind.

"This Jal Shakti Abhiyan will continue up to September 15," he said.

The central government is running the campaign for water conservation, with Prime Minister Modi last month pitrvation ching for conseof rain water, saying there is a pressing need to make it a mass movement on the lines of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

In his first address in the second edition of monthly show 'Mann ki Baat', the prime minister had also said 'one-size-fits-all' approach is not required in conservation of water.

The 'Jal Shakti Abhiyan' will focus on five aspects -- water conservation and rainwater harvesting, renovation of traditional and other water bodies, reuse of water and recharging of structures, watershed development, and intensive afforestation.

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