New Delhi [India], Sept 17 (ANI): External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday extended his wishes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday and termed his leadership an "inspiration for all"."Heartfelt birthday wishes to our Prime Minister @narendramodi. Your leadership in building a #NewIndia has been an inspiration to all of us. Pray for your long and healthy life as we all work together towards achieving this vision," tweeted Jaishankar.Prime Minister Modi is celebrating his 69th birthday today. Modi will be spending the day in his home state--Gujarat.He had received a warm welcome upon his arrival in Ahmedabad on Monday night. Several ministers and senior BJP leaders took to social media to wish Prime Minister Modi. Whereas, hashtags related to Modi birthday are trending on Twitter.Meanwhile, the BJP is celebrating Modi's birthday as 'Seva Saptah' starting September 14. The party has announced that several social initiatives will be undertaken by the party leaders across the nation during this week-long period. (ANI)
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