Rome [Italy], Dec 07 (ANI): External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Friday met Italian Members of Parliament and agreed to work together to realise the full potential of India and Italy's partnership."A very good meeting with a wide cross-section of Italian Members of Parliament from @Mov5Stelle, @forza_italia, Autonomy Group and @pdnetwork. Welcomed their understanding of India's concerns and aspirations. Agreed to work together to realise the full potential of our partnership," Jaishankar tweeted. Jaishankar kicked off his visit to Italy earlier in the day with a meeting with Senator Roberta Pinotti."Began my visit to Italy with a meeting with Senator Roberta Pinotti," Jaishankar tweeted."Appreciate her strong support for our ties...," he wrote.Pinotti is also the President of India-Italy Parliamentary Friendship Group.Later in the day, Jaishankar also met his Israel counterpart Israel Kartz and exchanged views on regional issues and a productive conversation on bilateral cooperation."Glad to meet FM @Israel_katz of Israel. Useful exchange of views on regional issues and a productive conversation on bilateral cooperation," he tweeted. (ANI)
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