Udhampur (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], Apr 2 (ANI): Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police (DGP), Dilbag Singh on Wednesday visited Kathua, Lakhanpur and Udhampur to take stock of preparedness and measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. He was accompanied by the IGP Jammu, Mukesh Singh during the visit."A quarantine centre has been opened in every police unit for the safety of our police officers. Our field commanders are working vigilantly and they have made several arrangements at their levels. Arrangements have been made for the PPEs and masks," said Dilbag Singh.During the visit the DGP also reviewed the preparedness and facilities being provided to the quarantined police personnel at PTS Kathua quarantine centre and the arrangements made at Police Academy Udhampur. He also took stock of the movement and entry of essential goods in the Union Territory at Lakhanpur.He interacted with the senior officers to review the Police preparedness to contain the spread of coronavirus. He appreciated the role of every personnel of Jammu and Kashmir Police for working day night in assisting the civil administration, health department in combating the coronavirus and ensuring lockdown to contain its spread."Jammu and Kashmir Police is leading from the forefront along with other departments in the fight against the deadly virus and added that it is important to follow the government orders and the health protocols,' said Singh.At Kathua the DGP reviewed Emergency response delivery system which has been established by the Police and volunteers as "United Kathua" to help the needy people. He lauded the role of volunteers who are assisting the police department in distributing the essential commodities to the needy people."Every day about 4000 people are being provided ready to eat food besides raw ration and medicines are being also provided at the doorsteps of the needy people. Police personnel are managing all the help on their own with the cooperation of general people who are voluntarily lending their assistance in this crucial time," said Singh.The DGP along with IGP Jammu visited Lakhanpur to inspect the Inter-State Entry Point and complimented DC Kathua, SSP Kathua and other officers for ensuring smooth entry and movement of essential goods in the Union Territory after required screening at the barrier. The DGP asserted that no passenger traffic be allowed except in case of extreme emergency and authorized one. He also directed that no migrant labour movement be allowed.The officers briefed him about the security and health protocols being observed there.The DGP also visited Police Training School (PTS) Kathua to take stock of the quarantine centre and the facilities being provided. He enquired about the health and well being of 323 being quarantined. These police personnel have been kept in PTS Kathua quarantine centre on their arrival from other states after completing their training.Later in the afternoon, the DGP visited Udhampur where he reviewed the arrangements being made at quarantine centre at SKPA Udhampur. He was briefed by the Director SKPAU Dr S D Singh Jamwal about the preparedness and measures taken for the smooth functioning of the quarantine centre. DIG Udhampur Reasi range Sujit Kumar and SSP Udhampur P R Omprakash were also present.The officers gave a detailed briefing to the DGP about the preparedness and measures taken against the fight of COVID 19 in their respective jurisdictions. (ANI)
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