New Delhi [India], Jan 7 (ANI): Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said that it had taken seven years in process of death warrant being issued against the convicts in the Nirbhaya case and system should be such that punishment is delivered early. "The decision has come after seven years. We need to make a system so that decisions in such cases don't take seven years," he said while speaking to ANI.The Chief Minister stressed that Delhi has to be made safe for women."Such people should be punished within six months. Also, we need to make Delhi a safe city where such acts don't even occur. We have to make Delhi safer for women. That is the most important issue for me," he said. A court in Delhi issued death warrants against all four death row convicts in the Nirbhaya gang-rape case. The convicts -- Pawan Kumar Gupta, Akshay, Vinay, and Mukesh -- will be hanged at 7 am on January 22. (ANI)
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