Tel Aviv [Israel], Oct 28 (ANI): Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday extended his wishes to his 'friend' Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of Diwali or the festival of lights."I wish my friend Prime Minister @narendramodi and the people of India a happy #Diwali! ," Netanyahu tweeted alongside a picture of him and Modi.Israel's longest-serving leader has often greeted Modi on various festive occasions.India and Israel share an extensive economic, military and strategic relationship that has strengthened in recent years. Recently, an election advertisement banner, featuring the image of Modi standing with Netanyahu, was spotted in Israel.Netanyahu also congratulated Modi after the latter's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) swept the Indian general elections earlier this year. Modi had thanked the Israeli leader for his wishes.The Israeli Prime Minister posted a video message for Modi and the people of India on Independence Day on August 15, highlighting the "genuine friendship" between the two countries.The relations between India and Israel are on an upswing. It is worth mentioning that Modi had become the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel in 2017. (ANI)

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