Chandigarh (Harayana) [India], Nov 19 (ANI): Calling the government as 'anti-farmer', INLD MLA Abhay Singh Chautala on Tuesday said farmers were left with no option but to launch a protest over non-availability of water in canals in Haryana."The coalition government in the state is forcing farmers to launch 'Kisan Jan Aandolan' because Hisar-based 'Haryana Kisan Manch' has warned to resort to protests if the government does not solve the problem of canal water," said the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) leader in a statement.He said that the government did not take enough steps to tackle the irrigation water shortage problem.The INLD legislator asked the government to fulfill its poll promise to ensure the availability of water in canals within two weeks of coming to power.He alleged that the government was working against the interests of farmers and asked it to provide irrigation water till the last corner of canals. (ANI)

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