Hyderabad [Telangana], Oct 1 (ANI): BJP MP Meenakshi Lekhi here on Tuesday said that India's position in the international arena is getting stronger while that of Pakistan's is getting weaker by the day. "Prime Minister Narendra Modi's reception in the US was done beautifully and 'Howdy Modi' was a successful event in the world and everyone has noticed about it," she said while speaking to ANI.Lekhi also slammed Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan for repeatedly talking about wars and bombs."Our PM spoke about the development and world's peace, whereas Pak PM Imran Khan continuously commented about war and bombs, and because of this Pakistan is alone in the world. India's position is day-by-day increasing in the world and Pakistan's position is getting weak in the world because of its support to terrorist activities," she added.The BJP leader also said Article 370 and Article 35-A was our aim and its abrogation was done after many decades by PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. (ANI)

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