New Delhi [India], Oct 12 (ANI): India coach Igor Stimac on Saturday announced a 23-man squad for the upcoming FIFA World Cup qualifying clash against Bangladesh. The Indian football team took to Twitter and posted a series to tweets naming the 23 members."@stimac_igor announces 23-member squad for @FIFAWorldCup Qatar 2022 qualifier against Bangladesh GOALKEEPERS: Gurpreet Singh Sandhu, Amrinder Singh, Kamaljit Singh. #BackTheBlue #IndianFootball #BlueTigers," Indian football team tweeted.In another tweet, they wrote: "DEFENDERS: Pritam Kotal, Rahul Bheke, Adil Khan, Narender, Sarthak Golui, Anas Edathodika, Mandar Rao Dessai, Subhasish Bose."The midfielders consist of Udanta Singh, Nikhil Poojary, Vinit Rai, Anirudh Thapa, Abdul Sahal, Raynier Fernandes, Brandon Fernandes, Lallianzuala Chhangte, Ashique Kuruniyan.The forward players are Sunil Chhetri, Balwant Singh, Manvir Singh.India will compete against Bangladesh on October 15. (ANI)
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