New Delhi [India], Dec 24 (ANI): After Indian junior women's hockey team clinched 3-Nations Tournament in Australia, Coach Baljeet Singh Saini praised the side and said that they have performed tremendously well."It was a very positive year for us, we played against some of the best teams from around the world and performed exceedingly well," Saini said in a statement.The Indian team has recently won the three-nation tournament with a tally of seven points from four matches, ahead of Australia and New Zealand.Coach Saini said that playing strong teams around the world has given great exposure to the Indian side and now they can take on any team irrespective to their physical strength."When you play other strong teams from around the world, it helps in giving a lot of exposure to our players, and also makes them aware of what is actually required to be performing consistently at the highest level. I am very happy to see that our team has developed so much over the years, and can now beat any team in the world, regardless of the physicality and built,".This year, Indian junior women's hockey team has played 16 matches across various tournaments and registered 10 victories. (ANI)
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