New Delhi [India], Nov 10 (ANI): Hailing the verdict of the Supreme Court on Ayodhya land dispute, BJP MP Manoj Tiwari on Sunday said that Indian judicial system is being respected everywhere in the world."I believe the judicial system of our country is being respected in every part of the world," Tiwari said while speaking to ANI.Stating that the decision is fair and satisfies both the parties involved in the case, he said: "Muslims will be provided with a 5-acre of land to build a Masjid.""I would like to thank Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh government for making sure that everything remains peaceful. All sides have accepted the verdict. It has become a symbol of peace, harmony, and unity," he said.Being asked about Prime Minister's Modi address to the nation after the Ayodhya verdict, Tiwari said: "We just have one heart. I do not know how many times Modiji wants to win it."Tiwari, however, hit out at AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi for his 'dissatisfaction' with the Supreme Court verdict on Ayodhya."Owaisi's politics is ending as Hindus and Muslims are showing solidarity. His politics is to divide the people and get the benefit," he said.On Saturday, Owaisi had said that he was not satisfied with the apex court's verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land dispute case, adding that the "Supreme Court is indeed supreme but not infallible".The top court had directed the Central government to hand over the disputed site at Ayodhya for the construction of a temple and set up a trust for this.The apex court had further directed the government to give a suitable plot of land measuring five acres to the Sunni Waqf Board. (ANI)

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