Pedong (West Bengal) [India], Nov 23 (ANI): Indian Army conducted the 'Epic Run 2019' at Pedong, West Bengal on Saturday in recognition and respect for the soldiers and their Next of Kin (NOK)."The Indian Army is commemorating the Year 2019 as the 'Year of NOK' (YoNoK). The event was conducted with the aim to outreach to the Next of Kin and also make aware the students, youth & citizens regarding the unsung sacrifices made and hardships faced by the families of gallant soldiers, who encourage them to always uphold the motto of 'Nation First' of the Indian Army," a statement said.The local population overwhelmingly responded to the Army's initiative for organising the Epic Run-2019 with over 1500 participants.The event was divided into three categories. '2 Km Walk & Run' included a total of 290 Senior Citizens and Children upto class V, whereas '5 Km Walk & Run' was open to children in the age group between 13-17 years and people upto age of 60 years. This was the most popular category with an overwhelming response with more than 1000 people participating in it and lastly, 10 Km Walk & Run the most challenging category of this event where 213 persons of the age group 18 to 60 years have participated."The event culminated with the felicitation of each participant and each podium finisher was awarded a medallion and a certificate. In addition, the eldest male and female participants were also felicitated separately. Local populace of Pedong and nearby villages appreciated the efforts made by the Army to organise this event for the people," the statement said. (ANI)
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