Lucknow, December 1: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will meet various industrialists in Mumbai on December 2. According to the official press release, Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) will launch a Municipal Bond at Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) on December 2. With this, LMC will be the first North Indian state to do so. Many popular Bollywood celebrities are expected to be present at the venue and are expected to discuss the upcoming film city project of Uttar Pradesh. Also Read | UP Sets Target, Asks Teachers to Convince Students to Download the Diksha App.
In the past, the Chief Minister had attended several roadshows in Mumbai. At that time, he had met Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Anand Mahindra among other well-known industrialists. Most of them had also attended the Investors Summit held in Lucknow in February 2018. During that time a Memorandum of Understanding MoU of about four lakh 52 thousand crores was signed. During these two important ceremonies, investments worth two lakh thousand crore rupees were signed, as per the release. Also Read | Farmers’ Protest: Farm Unions Reject Centre’s Offer to Form Committee For Discussion Over Farm Laws.
In the Ease of Doing Business Index, Uttar Pradesh has jumped 10 points to reach second place in the country. Even during the global pandemic, 52 companies in India and abroad showed interest in investing 45 thousand crore rupees in the state, as per the release, due to the investor-friendly policies of the state government.
Earlier, Adityanath attended Uttar Pradesh Investment Summit in December 2017 (right after he became the CM of Uttar Pradesh in March 2017).
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