New Delhi, June 22: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Tuesday said the Centre should consider enacting a law to stop illegal conversion in the country, a day after two men were arrested by the Uttar Pradesh police from Delhi's Jamia Nagar allegedly for running an outfit involved in converting deaf students and poor people to Islam.
It also demanded that a commission of inquiry should be constituted with jurisdiction to cover the entire country for "a comprehensive inquiry into such atrocious forms of conversion". VHP Chief Pravin Togadia Lost, Then Found, Now Alleges 'Foul Play'.
"With the arrest of the 'conversion-Jihadists' from Delhi's Jamia Nagar, it has become unquestionably clear to the whole country as to how deep, widespread, disgusting, sickening and nationwide the trap-web of conversion is," the VHP said in a statement.
The Centre should consider enacting a law to stop illegal conversions, it added. "For a comprehensive inquiry into such atrocious forms of conversion, a commission of inquiry on the lines of the Niyogi Committee should be formed and mandated with jurisdiction to cover the entire country," the VHP said.
The two men, identified as Mufti Qazi Jahangir Alam Qasmi and Mohammad Umar Gautam, were arrested by the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) following the registration of an FIR in the case at Lucknow's ATS police station.
According to the Uttar Pradesh police, the accused are residents of Delhi's Jamia Nagar. The VHP said the two men could be arrested due to the anti-conversion law in force in Uttar Pradesh. "But where such law is non-existent, there the conversion-jeevis get an open terrain to creep around and convert," it added.
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