Lucknow, May 16: The Uttar Pradesh Police arrested a 21-year-old man on Monday for allegedly making objectionable comments about Hindu deities. According to a press statement, the accused, Umar Abdulla, a resident of Shivani Vihar in Kalyanpur in Lucknow, uploaded a video clip of his remarks on social media.
The investigating officer of the case, Pramod Kumar Yadav, said, "The accused made a video in which he is heard making objectionable comments. He uploaded the video on social media in an attempt to spread religious disharmony. An FIR regarding the matter was lodged at Gudamba police station on Saturday." Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath Warns That ‘No Religious Events To Take Place on Roads’.
Acting on the FIR, a police team tracked and arrested the accused. The police officer said they were taking necessary actions to get the video removed from social media platforms.
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