Ghaziabad, January 3: A fire broke out at a flat on the sixth floor of Aditya Mega City in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh on Friday, an official said. Speaking to ANI, Chief Fire Officer Rahul Kumar said that all the residents had safely evacuated the flat, and the fire had been brought under control.

"Fire Station Vaishali received information in the morning about a fire in Aditya Mega City, Indirapuram. Four fire brigade vehicles reached the spot and found a fire in a flat on the sixth floor. All the residents had safely evacuated the flat. The fire brigade immediately started extinguishing the fire by opening the pipeline, and after one hour, the fire was completely controlled," Chief Fire Officer Rahul Kumar said. Ghaziabad Fire: Blaze Erupts at Factory in Mohan Nagar Industrial Area (Watch Video).

Fire Breaks Out at Sixth-Floor Flat in Ghaziabad

"The cause of the fire has not yet been ascertained, and there has been no loss of life," he added. Further information is awaited.

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