Bethesda, October 5: President Donald Trump briefly left the hospital Sunday in his car to wave to supporters gathered outside. The president's visit came shortly after he promised his supporters “a surprise” in a video posted a video on social media.

“It's been a very interesting journey," Trump said in the video. "I learned a lot about COVID. I learned it by really going to school. This is a real school. This isn't the let's read the books school. And I get it, and I understand it. And it's a very interesting thing.” Donald Trump Says He 'Learned a Lot' About COVID-19 by Going to 'Real School' And Not the 'Read the Book School'; US President Shares Video.

He Thanked the Fans and Supporters Who were Outside His Hospital

Here's the Video:

Earlier in the day, Trump's doctor said he “continued to improve” and suggested he could be discharged as early as Monday.

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