Pune, January 15: A three-member gang was arrested in Pune for allegedly stealing jewellery worth over Rs 1 crore in a series of thefts, police said on Wednesday. Police have recovered 1 kg of gold ornaments, 3.5 kg of silver jewellery and 135 tiny diamond pieces from them, said the official from Swargate police station. The trio has been identified as Ganesh Kathewade, Suresh Pawar and Ajay, alias Bhim Rajput. Robbery Gone Wrong in Saharanpur: 2 Thieves Trying To Rob House at Gunpoint Get Caught; Tied With Pants, Stripped and Thrashed With Stick in Uttar Pradesh (Watch Video).
“The gang was involved in a series of break-ins and thefts. We received a tip-off about one of the accused which helped us bust the gang. Ganesh, the leader of the gang, has confessed to committing 14 house break-ins in the city,” said Smartana Patil, deputy commissioner of police (zone 2). Lucknow: Woman Gang Leader Goes on Robbery Spree To Sustain Romance With Same-Sex Partner, Arrested.
The official said Ganesh was initially working for an online food delivery company. “He used to wear the uniform of the delivery app to hide his identity during the theft,” Patil said. The official said the other two gang members also face multiple cases. “Rajput used to sell the ornaments and collect the cash,” the official added.
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