Chennai, Jan 6 (PTI) Tamil Nadu has an electorate strength of 6,36,12,950, including over 3.24 lakh women voters, according to the integrated final electoral roll of the special summary revision 2025, released here on Monday. Of the total electorate, male voters stood at 3,11,74,027, women constitute 3,24,29,803 besides 9,120 third gender electors.
A total of 4,10,069 electors in the age group of 18-19 have been enrolled.
The Shozhinganallur Assembly Constituency in Chengalpattu district with 6,90,958 voters (including 3,45,184 men; 3,45,645 women and 129 third gender,) has the highest number of electors followed by Kavundampalayam Assembly Constituency of Coimbatore district with 4,91,143 electors (2,43,839 men, 2,47,153 women and 151 third gender.)
The Kilvelur AssemblyConstituency in Nagapattinam district with 1,76,505 electors (including 86,456 men, 90,045 women, and 4 third gender) has the lowest number of electors followed by the Harbour Assembly Constituency of Chennai district with 1,78,980 electors (92,615 men, 86,296 women and 69 third gender).
During the revision, out of 14,02,132 applications received for inclusion of names, 13,80,163 applications were admitted and the names included, the Chief Electoral Officer Archana Patnaik said in a release here.
Totally 5,16,940 applications were received for deletion and of them 4,97,800 deletions were carried out on account of shifting, death, and duplicate entries. Correction of entries were made with regard to 2,15,244 electors.
The integrated final electoral roll of special summary revision of Photo Electoral Roll, 2025, was taken with January 1, 2025, as the qualifying date.
There are 3,740 overseas electors in the final rolls. So far 4,78,007 electors who are Persons with Disabilities (PwD) electors have been flagged in the electoral rolls.
The integrated final electoral roll in PDF format is available on CEO's website
"The period of continuous updation is in operation now. All eligible persons who have completed 18 years as of January 1, 2025, but could not find their names in the electoral rolls can apply at the electoral registration officers or online through or through ‘Voter Helpline App” available on google play store," the CEO said.
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