New Delhi, August 13: The Directorate of Enforcement on Tuesday said that a special PMLA court in Ahmedabad has framed criminal charges against Saket Gokhale, a Rajya Sabha MP from Trinamool Congress (TMC), under the anti-money laundering law. The case against Gokhale is based on an FIR filed by the Gujarat Police, alleging misuse of funds collected through crowd-funding.

Taking to its official handle on X, the Directorate of Enforcement posted, "The Hon'ble Principal District and Sessions Judge, Ahmedabad (Rural) and Designated Special Court (PMLA), Ahmedabad, today August 13, 2024, framed criminal charges against Saket Gokhale, Rajya Sabha MP and National Spokespersons of All India Trinamool Congress (TMC) under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 in prosecution complaint filed by ED." "Charges against him for a Scheduled offence in a Police case had also been framed," the post said. Saket Gokhale Gets Bail: Supreme Court Grants Bail to TMC Spokesperson in Crowdfunding Case.

A special PMLA court in Ahmedabad has framed criminal charges, under the anti-money laundering law, against TMC's Rajya Sabha MP Saket Gokhale on Tuesday, the Enforcement Directorate said. ED had earlier last year filed a charge sheet against the 31-year-old MP under the anti-money laundering law. ED Seizes INR 1 Crore Cash, Incriminating Documents and Property Records During Raids in Cryptocurrency Scam in India.

In December 2022, the Gujarat Police arrested Gokhale from Delhi for allegedly misusing funds collected through crowd-funding. The ED informed the court that Gokhale had spent large sums of money collected through crowd-funding on "speculative share trading, wining and dining and other personal expenses which appear to be extravagant in nature."

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