Umaria, June 14: Two tiger cubs, around 15 days old, were killed by an adult big cat in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve (BTR) of Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Sunday. A patrolling team reached the spot after being informed that an adult tiger has killed two cubs in Kathli beat of Tala area of the reserve on Sunday morning, BTR's director Vincent Rahim told PTI. Also Read | '90 Crore Infected by Coronavirus': Madhya Pradesh BJP MLA Karan Singh Verma's Outlandish Claim.
He said that the initial investigation and examination of the carcasses confirmed that they were killed by an adult tiger. "The inspection of the spot revealed the presence of the cubs, a tigress and a tiger in the area," he said. Also Read | Earthquake in Gujarat: Quake of Magnitude 5.5 Jolts Region Near Rajkot.
The tiger might have killed the cubs in the process of establishing a territory, he said. The carcasses were disposed of as per the directives of the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), he said.
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