Pune, August 28: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar said on Friday that the government was thinking of imposing a hefty fine of Rs 1,000 for not wearing a mask. He was speaking at the inauguration of a COVID-19 hospital in Pimpri-Chinchwad area near here. Also Read | NEET-JEE Exams 2020 Row: Mamata Banerjee Dares PM Narendra Modi to Take Impromptu Opinion of Students During 'Mann Ki Baat'.

At present, the fine for not wearing a mask in the state ranges from Rs 200 to Rs 500. Pawar said social distancing norms should be followed and people must use masks to prevent coronavirus infections from spreading. Also Read | H Vasanthakumar Dies: Congress MP From Kanyakumari Succumbs to COVID-19.

"There are several places in the state where people do not use masks the way it is expected. We are now thinking of imposing a fine of Rs 1,000 on those who don't use the mask in Pune city, Pimpri Chinchwad and the district," he said.

Doctors, healthcare workers, district and civic administrations and elected representatives are taking a lotof efforts in the fight against the pandemic, but it can not be won without people's cooperation, he said.

The COVID- 19 hospital at Autocluster in Chinchwad has been set up by the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation and has 200 beds -- 50 ICU and 150 oxygenated ones.

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