Bhopal, September 11: A 16-year-old YouTuber girl, reported missing from Aurangabad in Maharashtra, was found in a train coach at Itarsi railway station in Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Sunday. The Government Railway Police received information that the teenager, having 44 lakh subscribers on her YouTube channel 'Bindass Kavya', had left home after being scolded by her parents, Itarsi GRP's sub-inspector Vibhendu Vyanktesh Tandia said.

The GRP found her in a sleeper coach of the Kushinagar Express coming from Bhusawal on Saturday and later handed her over to her family, he said. After getting information about the girl going missing from Chhaoni police station limits in Aurangabad, the GRP had intensified checking in trains arriving at the Itarsi railway station, located about 500 km from the Maharashtra district. Video: Doctor Brutally Beaten Up in Maharashtra’s Baramati for Not Opening Door Early.

During the checking of trains on the basis of the girl's photographs, the GRP found her in the train coach, he said. Her parents were informed and they reached Itarsi late Saturday night, he said. The GRP then handed over the girl to her family, he added.

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