The Enforcement Directorate has again summoned Indrajeet Chakraborty, father of actor Rhea Chakraborty, in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput death case, an official said on Thursday. Earlier, Rhea and her brother Showik Chakraborty were also questioned by the ED regarding the case. On August 21, the ED had recorded the statement of Rajput's sister Priyanka, who is a nominee in the late actor's bank account, the officials said. The Central probe agency had previously recorded the statement of KK Singh, father of Sushant Singh Rajput, in the national capital. Rhea Chakraborty Shares A Video Of Media Personnel Thronging Around Her Father, Actress Requests Mumbai Police To Provide Protection
According to sources, Singh was asked about the missing funds from Sushant's bank accounts. The agency had on July 31 registered an Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR) in the case after a First Information Report (FIR) was filed by KK Singh, the late actor's father, against actor Rhea Chakraborty in Bihar on July 28. On August 19, while holding that the FIR registered in Patna over the death of Bollywood actor was legitimate, the Supreme Court directed the CBI to investigate the case. The single-judge bench of Justice Hrishikesh Roy also said the Bihar Government was competent to recommend transferring the case to the CBI. SSR Case: Rhea Chakraborty Was Indulging in Usage and Procurement of Weed Since 2017: Reports
The apex court also asked the Mumbai Police to hand over all the evidence collected so far in the case to the CBI. The State of Maharashtra refused the option to challenge the order, Justice Roy said. The CBI has registered an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty and others in connection with the actor's death after the Centre accepted Bihar Government's recommendation to transfer the probe in the matter from Patna. An FIR was registered in Patna on a complaint filed by Rajput's father, under sections related to abetment to suicide. Rajput was found dead at his Mumbai residence on June 14. (ANI)
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