Kolkata, Jan 1 (PTI) The Railway Protection Force (RPF) rescued 967 minors from various stations and premises within Eastern Railway's jurisdiction between January 1 and November 30, 2024, under 'Operation Nanhe Farishtey,' an official said on Wednesday.
The RPF personnel played a crucial role with their vigilance and prompt action in reuniting these children with their families or ensuring their placement in safe custody through the appropriate authorities, the Eastern Railway official added.
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"Of the 967 minors rescued, 642 are boys and 325 girls," he said in a statement.
While the highest number of 329 boys and 140 girls were rescued from various stations and premises under ER's Howrah division, 53 boys and 44 girls were rescued in Sealdah division, the official said.
A total of 117 boys and 65 girls were rescued during the period under ER's Asansol division, while 143 boys and 76 girls were rescued under Malda division, he added.
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