New Delhi, May 24 (PTI) COVID-19 cases in India saw the biggest spike for the third consecutive day on Sunday with 6,767 new infections reported in the last 24 hours, taking the tally to 1,31,868, while the death toll due to the disease rose to 3,867 after 147 more fatalities, according to the Union Health Ministry.

Also Read | India Records Highest Ever Spike of of 6,767 COVID-19 Cases in Past 24 Hours, Total Tally Rises to 1,31,868, Death Toll Rises to 3,867.

The active cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) rose to 73,560, while 54,440 people have recovered and a patient has migrated to another country, according to the ministry's bulletin.

"Thus, around 41.28 per cent patients have recovered so far," a Health Ministry official said.

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The total number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus includes foreigners.

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