Jammu, May 3 (PTI) The police on Friday activated an advanced AI-based facial recognition system at the Navyuga tunnel, marking a significant stride towards bolstering security measures on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway in the Ramban district of Jammu and Kashmir, officials said.

This technology is designed to identify and track individuals involved in criminal activities, including terrorists, over-ground workers (OGWs), absconders, history sheeters, thieves, and drug peddlers, they said.

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"The advanced AI-based facial recognition system has been set up and activated at the Navyuga tunnel's checkpoint in Banihal, marking a significant stride towards bolstering security measures," the official said.

The system's implementation marks a pivotal step in the region's commitment to ensuring public safety and combating crime effectively, they said.

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They emphasised the significance of the AI-based facial recognition system in swiftly detecting and apprehending individuals with a criminal record.

The technology's ability to identify a range of threats, from terrorism to local crime, is expected to play a crucial role in maintaining law and order within the community, they said.

The AI-based facial recognition system is an integral part of smart policing initiatives, they said.

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