New Delhi, May 12: Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually addressed Utkarsh Samaroh in Gujarat's Bharuch on Thursday. In the programme, the Prime Minister interacted with the people. The programme marks the celebration of 100 per cent coverage of four key schemes of the state government in the district, which will help provide timely financial assistance to those in need.

The district administration of Bharuch carried out the 'Utkarsh Initiative' drive from January 1 to March 31 this year, aiming to ensure complete coverage of schemes providing assistance to widows, elderly and destitute citizens. PM Narendra Modi To Virtually Address ‘Utkarsh Samaroh’ Tomorrow in Gujarat on 4 Govt Schemes Achieving 100% Coverage.

Watch: PM Narendra Modi Addresses ‘Utkarsh Samaroh’ in Gujarat’s Bharuch

A total of 12,854 beneficiaries were identified across the four schemes viz. Ganga Swaroopa Aarthik Sahay Yojana, Indira Gandhi Vrudh Sahay Yojana, Niradhar Vrudh Aarthik Sahay Yojana and Rashtriy Kutumb Sahay Yojana.

During the drive, taluka-wise Whatsapp helpline numbers were announced to collect information about those who were not receiving the benefits of the scheme.

Utkarsh camps were organized in all villages and wards of municipality areas of the district, wherein applicants who provided necessary documents were given on the spot approval. Incentives were also given to Utkarsh assistants to further facilitate the drive.

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