New Delhi , April 14: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday paid tribute Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on his 130th birth anniversary."I bow to Bharat Ratna Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on AmbedkarJayanti. His struggle to bring the marginalised sections of the society into the mainstream will continue to be an example for every generation," Prime Minister Modi tweeted in Hindi. Ambedkar Jayanti 2021 Quotes on Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar's 130th Birth Anniversary: Memorable Sayings by the Father of Indian Constitution to Remember on This Day.

Born on April 14, 1891, Babasaheb Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who campaigned against social discrimination towards the untouchables (Dalits) and supported the rights of women and workers. Happy Ambedkar Jayanti 2021 HD Images, Wallpapers & Greetings: Send WhatsApp Stickers, Bhim Jayanti Photos, Telegram Messages and Wishes to Celebrate His 130th Birth Anniversary.

He died on December 6, 1956. He is also known for being the architect of the Indian constitution.In 1990, Ambedkar was conferred with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award.

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