Agartala, January 5: Thirteen school students suffered burn injuries when a bus with picnickers on board caught fire in West Tripura's Mohanpur on Sunday, a senior police officer said. Nine of them were referred to GBP hospital here, and the remaining four were released after treatment at a local health facility, West Tripura Superintendent of Police (SP) Kiran Kumar told PTI. Pune Bus Fire Video: School Bus Engulfs in Blaze in Kharadi, No Injuries Reported.

"The bus caught fire due to a blast of a generator which was kept inside the vehicle. An investigation is underway", he said. Chief Minister Manik Saha expressed deep concern over the incident and prayed for the speedy recovery of all the injured students. Pune Fire: Blaze Erupts in 3-Storey Building Near Hadapsar’s Vaibhav Talkies, Residents Climb Down From Balcony to Escape (Watch Video).

Picnic Bus Catches Fire in Tripura, 13 Students Injured

"Deeply concerned about the unfortunate incident in Mohanpur, where a picnic bus caught fire following a generator blast. Praying for the speedy recovery of the individuals injured in this tragic event", the chief minister wrote on Facebook. Saha said the administration is closely monitoring the situation to ensure that the injured students receive immediate medical attention. "I urged everyone to be cautious and mindful while enjoying the picnic," he added.

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