Lucknow, April 7: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said that over 200 municipalities and Nagar panchayats were formed in the last 6 years and now, for 'ease of living' in Nagar panchayats, work is being done to ensure the presence of basic facilities in them.
The CM during the launch of projects said that soon, electric vehicles will be seen in districts such as Sitapur, Unnao, Barabanki, and Rae Bareilly as well. He said that the metro is operational in five cities of the state. Uttar Pradesh has the maximum number of metros operating in the entire country. A target has been set to make the metro operational in Agra by the end of this year. On the other hand, the work of ropeway in the world's oldest city Kashi is being carried forward rapidly. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath Says Metro Services in Agra To Be Operational by Early 2024.
He said that the 240 municipal bodies were expanded under the Mukhyamantri Nagar Srijan Yojana. "For example, many villages came under Lucknow Municipal Corporation, during the time of previous governments, they used to be developed only when elections were held there. Our government ensured development in every place without any discrimination", CM said. Yogi Adityanath Government’s Crackdown on Criminals, Over 10,000 Encounters in Past Six Years in Uttar Pradesh.
CM further said that the work of taking forward the Mukhyamantri Nagariya Alpviksit Basti Yojana program was done. The street vendors that were always looked down upon were empowered under the vision of PM Modi. Along with linking them with digital payment, action was taken to provide them with loans on interest. "The work of connecting the maximum number of street vendors within the country and disbursing an amount of Rs 204565 crore to more than 9 lahks 31 thousand street vendors was done in UP," he pointed out.
Furthermore, he said that only a sensitive government could transform the lives of 9,31,000 families and the result of the government's plan is that under the Deendayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya Yojana National Urban Livelihood Mission, work is also being done for women in urban areas.
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