Jaipur, February 2: National Students' Union of India on Tuesday launched a campaign to collect money from students for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya. The drive named “Rs 1 Ram Ke Naam” was launched by NSUI state president Abhishek Chaudhary at Commerce College at Jawaharlal Nehru Road in Jaipur.

Around 100 members of the student wing of the Congress party collected contributions from students in the college in three sealed boxes on the first day. ABVP, NSUI Members Clash During Protest Against JNU Violence in Gujarat's Ahmedabad; Over 10 Injured (Watch Video).

“All colleges in the state will be covered under this 15-day campaign and the NSUI will hand over the amount collected during the initiative to the Ram temple authorities in Ayodhya,” NSUI spokesperson Ramesh Bhati said.

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