Thane, December 14: Six persons were arrested allegedly with mephedrone worth Rs 6 crore, a Navi Mumbai police official said on Thursday. Acting on a tip off, the Anti Narcotics Cell of Navi Mumbai police apprehended one person on December 3 from Shirdon village along the Mumbai-Goa highway, Senior Inspector Neeraj Chowdhari told PTI. Lalit Patil Arrested: Mumbai Police Nab Fugitive Pune Drug Don From Chennai
"We seized 61.09 grams of drugs worth Rs 6.10 lakh. Based on his interrogation, we arrested three persons from Badlapur and Khalapur. We also searched a factory and a farm house in Dekhu and Umbare in Khalapur," he said. "Mephedrone was being manufactured at the two places. We seized 5.3 kg mephedrone worth Rs 5.39 crore and 330 litres of chemicals worth Rs 45 lakh," he said, adding two more persons were held in the case. Mumbai: Four Held with 60 Gm Mephedrone Worth Rs 12 Lakh
The official identified the six as Sadab Sayeed Sayyed, Sohel Munnawar Ali Lambe, Vazhul Vafa Chowdhari, Saifulla Shaikh, Mohsin Ansari and Siddha Pal. "They were manufacturing drugs for new year parties. Vazhul has spent 16 years in jail in an earlier DRI case. Saifulla Shaikh is also a history sheeter," the official said. A case under NDPS Act has been registered at Panvel Town police station, he added.
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