Nagpur, April 4: A 27-year-old man from Maharashtra's Nagpur hanged himself while live-streaming the act on Facebook for almost 40 minutes in the early hours of Tuesday, police said. Krutank Siddharth Dongre, a resident of Kamptee, committed suicide while live-streaming from his wife's Facebook account around 1.30 am, an official said. Suicide on Facebook Live: Uttar Pradesh Man Jumps Into Gomti River After Going Live on Social Networking Site (Watch Video).

The man was an alcoholic and unemployed. He had had a tiff with his wife, who had left him, he said. When his family was away on Monday, Krutank consumed alcohol and logged in to his wife's Facebook account late in the night, the official said. Telangana Shocker: Couple Killed Three-Month-Old Baby, Hangs Self to Death in Rangareddy; Police Suspect Domestic Problem.

While live-streaming using his cellphone, he hanged himself from a ceiling fan with a scarf, he said. Once the video went viral, the man's relatives, neighbours and friends gathered in front of his house and the police also reached the spot, the official said. The police have registered an accidental death report, he added.

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