Mumbai, July 23: Mumbai Police on Sunday received a threat call of a tanker filled with RDX alongwith two Pakistani nationals has proceeded to Goa from Mumbai, officials said. "A call was received by Mumbai Police Control Room at 1 am about a white tanker filled with RDX has been proceeded from Mumbai to Goa in which two Pakistani nationals are also there," Mumbai Police said. Terror Threat Call To Mumbai Police: 'Two Pakistani Nationals On Way to Goa in RDX-Laden Tanker,' Caller Tells Cops.

The Mumbai Police at once alerted the Maharashtra ATS and the Goa Police Control Room, Mumbai Police said. The police further revealed that the caller identified himself as Pandey. Police has verified the location from where the call was made but is now engaged in tracing the caller, the Mumbai Police added. More details are awaited. Further investigation is underway. Bomb Threat Call In Mumbai: Unidentified Person Threatens To Bomb Blast Areas in Andheri, Kurla; Demands Rs 2 Lakh.

Earlier on July 13, an unidentified person called Mumbai Traffic Police Control Room and threatened to conduct an attack similar to the 26/11 attack. According to Mumbai Police, "Mumbai police control room received a threat call yesterday in which the caller threatened the police to prepare for a 26/11 terrorist attack if Pakistani national Seema Haider does not return to Pakistan."

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