Mumbai, September 10: Officials of the Mumbai Customs and Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) destroyed 24.73 kg of seized drugs worth approximately Rs 177 crore in Navi Mumbai on Tuesday, an official said. A high-level drug destruction committee of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC), comprising senior officials from the Mumbai Customs Zone-I and DRI, destroyed heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and other narcotic substances by incineration at Taloja, the official said. Online Drugs Order in Mumbai: Two Import 214 Grams of Marijuana From US via Courier Service, Arrested After Customs Set Up Delivery Trap.

As per an official release, this is the first such drug destruction carried out in this fiscal. In the last financial year, Mumbai Customs Zone-I destroyed 215.27 kg of drugs valued at Rs 1,525 crore, seized by the postal appraisal section (PAS), special investigation and intelligence branch (SIIB) of Customs and DRI.

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