Indore, May 5: Madhya Pradesh Police has arrested one person for selling empty packets of COVID-19 vaccine in Indore. The accused person, identified as Suresh Yadav, was arrested by the Vijay Nagar Police after he cheated relatives of coronavirus patients worth Rs 2 lakh in the name of providing a vaccine.
According to Sub Inspector Suresh Kumar, the relatives of the family had met Suresh on social media where he promised them to provide the vaccine. COVID-19 Vaccines Target of Theft and Online Fraud by Organised Criminals, Interpol Issues Global Alert.
"The accused had promised to the relatives of the patient to give the vaccine worth Rs 2 lakh. But in the name of the vaccine, he handed them over an empty vial wrapped in a packet of bread on March 25," the sub-inspector told reporters. The police have arrested the accused on fraud charges.
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