Jabalpur, July 8: An inquiry was instituted after a police constable in Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh complained that he was slapped by a woman inspector for reaching late at a check point, an official said on Saturday. The incident allegedly took place on Friday when constable Pushpendra Jat was deployed for check point duty at Tripuri Square, the official said. Madhya Pradesh: Minor Boy Killed, Three Injured in Gunfight Over Land Dispute in Morena.
"Jat has claimed he was slapped by Mahila police station in charge inspector Soma Malik for arriving late at the check point. He has submitted a complaint," Additional Superintendent of Police (Traffic) Pradeep Shinde said. Sidhi Urination Case: Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan Shares Lunch With Victim Dashmat Rawat, Condemns Disturbing Incident (Watch Video).
Deputy Superintendent of Police Pankaj Parmar will inquire into the matter and action will be taken accordingly, he added.
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