Siddharthanagar, April 23: A 16-year-old girl was allegedly killed by her father and her body was thrown into a river here as her family objected to her affair with a boy from her village, police said on Sunday. The police have arrested the girl's father Radheyshyam Kewat, grandfather Sitaram and another person Lahri for the crime. Kanpur Honour Killing: Father Strangles 16-Year-Old Daughter to Death With Mobile Data Cable Over Her Affair.
Briefing reporters on the incident, Superintendent of Police Amit Kumar Anand said the body was found in the Rapti river on Saturday. He said the girl was in love with a boy of her village and her family was against the relationship. Karnataka Honour Killing: Youth Killed by Father-in-Law Over Inter-Caste Marriage in Bagalkot.
On Saturday, when the family was returning home from a relative's place, they again tried to dissuade the girl from pursuing the boy, but she refused to budge. In a fit of rage, the accused killed her with a knife and put her body in a sack and dumped it in the river, the officer added.
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