Mumbai, December 29: An 11-year-old boy was found hanging inside the kitchen of a madrasa in Malvani area of Mumbai, police said on Sunday. Police suspect the boy hanged himself from the iron rod of the ceiling using clothes, allegedly after he was scolded by a madrasa (Islamic seminary) teacher for trying to go out to play, a Malwani police station official said.
The boy was found hanging on Saturday evening by other students of the madrasa, he said. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was declared dead, the official said. Mumbai: 22-Year-Old Man Posts Video on Instagram Alleging Threats From 3 Former Colleagues Before Dying by Suicide at Home in Malad East, Case Registered.
"It is suspected that he took the extreme step after his teacher scolded him when he was going out to play," he added. Police registered a case of accidental death and further investigation is underway, the official said.
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