Thane, February 9: A 35-year-old man narrowly escaped after a container serving as temporary accommodation for him caught fire in the early hours of Friday in Maharashtra's Thane city, an official said. But six goats kept inside the container were killed in the incident that took place around 2 am in the Retibunder area near the ‘Ganesh Visarjan Ghat'. Thane Fire: Massive Blaze Engulfs Multi-Storeyed Building in Lodha Housing Complex, No Casualties Reported (Watch Video).

The fire also damaged three commercial gas cylinders, generators, some equipment and a motorbike, the official said. One Nirmal Mahato who was fast asleep inside the container managed to escape, he said. Thane Fire: Blaze Erupts At MIDC Plant in Badlapur Kharvai After Explosion (Watch Video).

Yasin Tadvi, chief of the Disaster Management Cell at the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC), said firefighters reached the spot and put out the fire, whose cause is yet to be determined.

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