Simdega, December 14: One person was arrested for killing two barking deer that strayed into his paddy field in Jharkhand's Simdega district, a forest department official said on Thursday. Acting on a tip-off, a forest department team reached Badkaduil village and found that the accused was removing the skin and horns from the carcass on Wednesday. Tamil Nadu Road Accident: Spotted Deer Hit by Car at Anaikatti in Coimbatore, Dies; Driver Fined Rs 5,000

The man was then arrested under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, Divisional Forest Officer A K Gupta said. The accused used a net to catch the two barking deer and killed them with a knife, he said. Two-year-old Spotted Deer Rescued from Deep Well in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore

The Indian muntjac, a deer species, is called "barking deer" due to the bark-like sound that it makes as an alarm when danger is present. The animal is native to India, Southeast Asia and southern China.

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