Mumbai, June 20: Maharashtra on Monday recorded 2,345 fresh coronavirus cases, including 1,310 in Mumbai, and two fatalities, taking the tally of infections to 79,38,103 and the death toll to 1,47,888, the health department said.

The state is now left with over 24,000 active cases after 1,485 patients were discharged after COVID-19 treatment in the last 24 hours, taking the overall number of recoveries to 77,65,602. Maharashtra Reports 4,004 Fresh COVID-19 Cases, One Death in Past 24 Hours.

A day earlier, Maharashtra had logged 4,004 cases and one fatality. Both the fresh COVID-19 fatalities were reported from Mumbai. Maharashtra's case fatality rate now stands at 1.86 per cent and the recovery rate is 97.83 per cent.

The health bulletin said the total number of active cases in the state reached 24,613, including 14,089 in Mumbai, followed by Thane district (5,522), Pune (2,007), and Raigad (1,052).

A total of 22,714 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours in the state, taking the cumulative number of samples tested so far to 8,16,26,220.

Maharashtra's COVID-19 figures are as follows: Total cases 79,38,103, fresh cases 2,345; fresh fatalities: 2; total death toll 1,47,888, active cases 24,613; tests conducted: 22,613.

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