Prayagraj, November 4: In preparation for the Mahakumbh 2025, the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath government has introduced special tracksuits for drivers, boatmen, guides, and cart operators at the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. The special uniforms will make these service providers easily identifiable, ensuring that tourists can quickly spot and approach them for assistance, contributing to a smoother, more organized Mahakumbh experience.
To ensure essential services are easily accessible during the busy Mahakumbh Mela, the administration has introduced easily identifiable tracksuits for four key groups: drivers, boatmen, guides, and cart operators. Each group will wear a different uniform, making it easy for visitors to identify and approach them for assistance. These tracksuits will also display the Kumbh and Tourism Department logos, helping to confirm the identity of service providers and maintain transparency in the information and help offered to visitors. The administration believes this system will reduce confusion and improve the overall experience for passengers. Maha Kumbh 2025: Grand Procession of 13 Akharas Marks Entry Into Kumbh City in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj.
With millions attending the Mahakumbh each year, organizing such a large event is challenging. The tracksuit initiative aims to enhance visitor convenience and safety, making it easier for tourists to find the help they need throughout the fair. Aparajita Singh, Regional Tourism Officer, said, "In Mahakumbh 2025, drivers, sailors, guides, and cart operators will wear special tracksuits, each featuring the Tourism and Kumbh logos. The special uniforms will not only add visual appeal but also make it easier for visitors to identify and approach service providers."
To ensure the smooth progression of the Nagar Pravesh Yatra, the Uttar Pradesh government and the Kumbh administration have deployed a robust police presence. Additional Kumbh Mela Officer Vivek Chaturvedi oversaw security arrangements, which included four circle officers, six inspectors, nine sub-inspectors, and 40 police personnel dedicated to maintaining traffic flow and ensuring public safety. The Nagar Pravesh Yatra attracted over a thousand saints, with a notable participation of female saints from both India and abroad. Mahakumbh Mela 2025: ID Proofs Mandatory for Sadhus, Hindi Terms to Replace Urdu Words and Restrictions on Food Stalls for ‘Non-Sanatanis’.
Maha Mandaleshwar Hema Nand Giri from Nepal expressed her appreciation for the arrangements, highlighting the exceptional opportunity of having Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath leading the preparations. She remarked, "His commitment to organizing a grand and divine Maha Kumbh has greatly contributed to the propagation of Sanatan Dharma beyond our borders." Mahakumbh starts with Paush Purnima Snan, which is on 13 January 2025. The Kumbh festival will conclude with the last bath on 26 February 2025, the day of Mahashivratri.
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