Mumbai, April 20: The Maharashtra government on Tuesday announced a Rs 107 crore package for the state's 7.15 lakh autorickshaw drivers under which each of them would get Rs 1,500 as relief for the 15-day 'break the chain' restrictions in place to curb the surge in COVID-19 cases, officials said.
The decision was taken after a meeting in Mantralaya between the state government and leaders of autorickshaw unions, an official release said. The release said the money, which would be to tide over loss of income during this period, will be transferred online to Aadhaar linked bank accounts through a system that is being developed. Maharashtra Govt Tightens COVID-19 Restrictions; Grocery, Vegetable Shops Are Allowed to Open For 4 Hours From 7 Am to 11 AM.
This system will have the details of drivers, their licence and vehicle numbers etc, it said. The restrictions under the 'break the chain' initiative will be in place till May 1.
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