Gwalior, November 1: A lioness has given birth to three healthy cubs at a zoo in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior city, an official said on Tuesday. The eight-year-old Asiatic lioness named 'Pari' and her male partner 'Jai' (13) were brought to the civic-run Gandhi Prani Udyan here in 2012 from different zoos in Chhattisgarh, Gwalior Municipal Corporation's deputy commissioner Dr Pradeep Shrivastava said.

'Pari' gave birth to three cubs on the intervening night of Sunday-Monday, he said. The lioness and the cubs are healthy, but as a precautionary measure they will be kept in isolation for 30 days as per the protocol set by the Central Zoo Authority," the Gwalior zoo's veterinary officer Dr Gaurav Parihar said. Animals in Antwerp and Planckendael ZOO in Belgium.

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The information about the gender of the cubs will be collected after some days as going close to them may increase their risk of infection, he said.

The lioness had in 2020 given birth to three cubs including two males and a female, he added. The Gir National Park in Gujarat is the only natural abode of Asiatic lions in the world.

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