Vijayawada, December 24: With the ensuing Andhra Pradesh Assembly polls just months away, former election strategist Prashant Kishor called on Telugu Desam Party chief N Chandrababu Naidu here on Saturday. Prashant Kishor, who helped YSRCP chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy wrest power from the TDP in the 2019 assembly polls, was reportedly spotted with Naidu's son Nara Lokesh at Gannavaram Airport on Saturday.

The meeting has sparked speculation within political circles owing to its timing. While many are guessing that TDP has roped him in as a mentor for the strategists, Kishor, however, dialled down the buzz and descended it to just a 'courtesy meet'. "It is just a courtesy meet, why are you getting excited? (Naidu) is a senior leader, he wanted to meet me, I came," Kishor told reporters upon his arrival here. Andhra Pradesh Assembly Elections 2024: Prashant Kishor’s Return As TDP Strategist Creates a Buzz in State Politics

Subsequently, both TDP's Nara Lokesh and the former poll strategist, widely known as PK, proceeded to Chandrababu's residence in Undavalli using the same vehicle. Alongside Kishor, members of Robin Sharma's team, a political strategist associated with TDP through Show Time Consultancy, also participated in the meeting. The three-hour discussion between Chandrababu and Prashant Kishor reportedly touched on crucial issues.

As per sources, a detailed analysis of Jagan's ruling government was presented, in the meeting, outlining its strengths and weaknesses across various categories and topics. Prashant Kishor highlighted widespread dissatisfaction among the youth due to issues such as unemployment, price hikes, electricity bills, and taxes, they added. Prashant Kishor Reveals Why Nitish Kumar Dumped BJP and Forged Alliance With Tejashwi Yadav in Bihar

"Alleged mistreatment of Dalits and backward classes also surfaced as concerns that might affect the upcoming elections. Kishor suggested that the opposition, including the TDP, should formulate a strategy to address these sentiments," the sources said further. The Assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh will be held along with the Lok Sabha polls next year.

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