Chandigarh, Oct 29 (PTI) After a letter surfaced on social media platforms in which a Haryana IPS officer has been accused of sexually harassing some female cops, state Women Commission chairperson Renu Bhatia on Tuesday wrote to Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini urging that the officer may be transferred or sent on leave till inquiry is completed.
In her letter, Bhatia also mentioned that on Tuesday, the IPS officer appeared before the Commission in person and submitted his version before it.
In her letter to the chief minister, Bhatia said the Commission has taken cognisance of the serious issue which is viral on various social media networks and news channels.
"Your goodself is already aware that this matter is spreading extremely fast in news. During the hearing and after considering the facts and factuals, the Commission requests your goodself that until the inquiry is completed in this matter, the IPS officer may be transferred or be posted at headquarters or be sent on leave so that the inquiry is not affected due to his influence," wrote the Commission's chairperson.
The Haryana Police on Sunday had said they have launched an inquiry after a letter surfaced on social media platforms in which an IPS officer has been accused of sexually harassing some female cops.
"A fact-finding inquiry has been initiated. The matter is under investigation," Hisar Range Additional DGP M Ravi Kiran said earlier.
The ADGP had on Sunday told PTI over phone that the IPS officer against whom the allegations were levelled in the letter himself requested for an in-depth investigation in the matter.
Fatehabad Superintendent of Police, Astha Modi, a woman officer, is currently conducting a probe in the matter.
On Tuesday, the IPS officer against whom the allegations have been levelled, appeared before the Commission chairperson in Faridabad for nearly 30 minutes and has denied allegations.
On the other hand, Astha Modi appeared before the Commission through video conferencing.
Modi is recording statements of all women police personnel posted in the district where the IPS officer against whom the allegations have been levelled is currently posted.
Of the nearly 150 such women personnel posted in the district, Astha Modi has recorded statements of about 60 as part of the investigation.
The purported letter, addressed to the chief minister and said to be signed by seven female cops, surfaced on social media on Friday. It contained allegations of sexual harassment against the IPS officer who is posted in a Haryana district.
It has also been alleged in the letter that two female police personnel from the district are also colluding with the IPS officer in the entire matter.
One of these female police personnel had later also filed a FIR against a social media platform administrator for allegedly twisting facts pertaining to the case.
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